Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Night Sky

March 1, 2016

During these winter months there have been gray tones to everything in the area. The winter always does this.  The earth seems void of color as we wait for spring. I feel a bit of loneliness as I hunker down to experience the winter each year.  The clouds feel like a blanket covering my thoughts and I long for sunny days. Yesterday we had some rain and some sun, but after we had been to Family Home Evening with the empty nesters from the Ward we drove home to mild cool air and clear night sky.  It was beautiful! I was reminded again of the power of God in everything.

From the Hubble Galaxy Gallery

I was reminded of sitting on my front porch in Peterson, Utah, looking at the night sky.  I love the stars and the moon.  I love the massive mountains that surround my home in Utah. I love the wide open sky that seems to go on forever.  

I love the hope of spring.  The FM missionaries are getting ready to spread the mulch and get the ground ready for spring planting.  I love the flowers that will come in the spring.  

This winter has been mild compared to last year.  The snow not as deep, the temperatures not as frigid.  But the gray sky dominates for much of the time.  The sun is shining, the air is crisp but the hope of spring is here.  I look forward to the tulips.

My sweet mother taught me to find beauty in all the creations of God. That each part of Nature holds a special place in His heart. Mom should have been an artist. In a way she was, she did express beautiful images in her poetry. 

Roger and I have lived many places and have visited many parts of the world. God's creations are evident in every good thing I see. I am grateful to be able to spend this time in Vermont.  I love this beauty too.

There is a hymn I love that reminds me of my mother's teachings.

For the beauty of the earth,
For the beauty of the skies,
For the love which from our birth,
Over and around us lies 
Lord of all, to thee we raise
This our hymn of grateful praise.

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