Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Happy Birthday Lis!

December 15, 2015

My life seemed full; I had six children, the youngest in school, freeing me up to do pretty much what ever I wanted.  There were some things going on in our life at the time that made me feel like I needed to spend an afternoon in the Temple seeking answers.
Little did I know that my answer would be to add another child to our family.  Our lives would never be the same.  Elisabeth came in our old age, at least old for bearing children. But what a blessing.

It has been her responsibility to keep us young. She grew up almost an only child.  By the time she was in Elementary school Diana was in Middle school, same with High School, with seven years separating them.

Elisabeth loved the kittens and she had the ability to find them, no matter where
the mother cat hid them.

She was almost four years old when she started playing the violin. I know she stayed with it to please me. But she has a natural talent and I just tried to give her the opportunity to develop it. Sometimes she hated the violin, but she would never let me know.   She kept it inside.  I'm not sure when she truly developed a love for it, but it must have been Dara Morales.  This teacher opened her eyes to some beautiful music..  It may have been the  Utah Youth Symphony and Barbara Scowcroft.  I have always been happy she stuck with it, because Elisabeth plays like an angel.

By the time High School came along she was already good on the violin, so she tried some other likes.  One of them was Tennis.  She loved playing and made some good friends doing it.  She also developed her singing voice.  That opened her up to getting the part of the Sour Kangaroo in Horton Hears a Who.  Her voice was stunning.  Then she got the lead, Lola, in Damn Yankees.  She stole the show each time.

She was amazing as Lola in Damn Yankees

Elisabeth got an opportunity to attend BYU Idaho on a music scholarship.  It was hard to have her go so far from home, but she grew in her music more than I could have guessed.  However, she had other goals.  These brought her to get her Associate Degree so she could go on a mission. 

Deciding to serve a full time mission was an event that came through the encouragement of her sister Anne.  Her call came and she was on her way to the Malaga, Spain mission.  She had spent about three to four months in the Canary Islands when the missions were realigned and she ended up getting a new mission call to Madrid, Spain.  

Finishing her mission, she knew exactly what she wanted as she came home. That was to marry her dearest friend, Shane York.

Shane and Elisabeth

Life was busy for them.  Shane finished school at Weber State University while Elisabeth had transferred to The University of Utah, where she finished in music.  They were blessed from Heaven before she graduated, and this brought little Conrad into our lives, the greatest blessing of all.

Cute Baby boy Conrad

Elisabeth is still very busy, and her life is filled with caring for this cute boy. The greatest joy a mother can have is to watch her children grow in righteousness. Giving love to many.

Dad and I love you Lis!!! 

Happy Birthday!!!

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Missing Home!

December 12, 2015

Last night we had almost 400 people come into the Visitor Center to view Annie the Jerusalem donkey and Breezy and March the sheep.

 Each new family was greeted outside and invited into the Center for Christmas videos, or to have some refreshments (cookies and hot cider) in the residence. We finally got home about 10:00 p.m. We were just too tired to even go to bed.

The Ward Christmas party is tonight. It is potluck, and I have not even decided what to take.  We are at the Visitor Center all day today until three this afternoon, so hopefully I will think of something good and festive to take.  I miss my kitchen, I miss baking and preparing for my family to visit.  I feel like my cooking skills have been put on pause. 

Oh well, it is rewarding to have so many people come and enjoy these beautiful lights.  They are truly stunning this year.  About eighty percent of these visitors are not members of our Church, but they want to feel Christmas, and this is the best place in all New England for those feelings. I am happy to be here.

Rogers note:
The Jerusalem donkey shown here is a special breed noted for the cross on its withers and back.  We got this donkey from a Church member living in New Hampshire.  She brings it every year for the duration of the Christmas season.  During the season we get about 40,000 visits from people of New England.  Most just drive around the circle, just to see the LED light display.  

We put the donkey, with two Nubian sheep, at the center of the display so the children will come to the mangers and pet the animals.  We point out that it was a donkey like this one that carried Mary to Bethlehem.  And the sheep represent the shepherds, who were first to visit the Savior at his crib side.  Over 5,000 persons have stopped their cars and come to the manger and then into the Center to see messages on the Savior of the world. 

In all it has been a wonderful celebration this year.  The weather has been mild, and the lights very bright.  It is the best nativity display in all New England.    

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Happy Birthday Amy!

December 5, 2015

Early in December of 1967 we were waiting patiently for our first baby to come.  I was due December 17th and I wondered what it would be like. I had felt her move inside me for months, an experience that filled me with wonder. However, December 5th she decided to come.  We went to the old Dee Hospital where Doctor Johnson admitted me to Labor and Delivery. I needed a little help, so and IV was started.  Little did I know it would take all day and then some to get her here.  Amy was born at 7:17 p.m. Weighed 7 lbs. 7 oz.  She was beautiful, her little round face was perfect.  I never had felt this kind of joy before.

Amy decided to come right in the middle of Roger's finals at Weber State University, which was difficult, but he seemed to manage. During my whole pregnancy Roger insisted we were having a boy, so everything I bought in preparation was blue. My mother said "you need one thing pink," and she made me a soft pink quilt that was well used for many years.

We moved to the University of Utah when Amy was eight months old. She was so much fun to have around while Roger was at school and work for most of every day.  I started to read to Amy when she was three months old, and everyday we would read stories, sing songs and play.  I loved being a mother.

This is Amy's second birthday cake. I had taken a cake decorating 
class from Continuing Education in the Salt Lake School District 

We lived many places and Amy shared each one with us.  She was just two when we moved to Texas (San Antonio and El Paso); she was three when we moved back to Ogden, four when we went to Pima, Arizona, five when we came back to Granger, Utah; from there we moved to Provo, Utah, Sylmar, California, then back to Ogden and then to Peterson, Utah. 

Each of these places hold special memories for all of us.  In Granger, when I went to Parent Teacher Conference, the teacher said she didn't know Amy and she was sure she wasn't in her class. I said I was sure she came here everyday.  The teacher looked at her roll and there was Amy's name.  She said "Oh, she must be the little shy girl that sits at the back of the class."  The teacher was very embarrassed. That same thing happened in the sixth grade.  Mr. Goodrow said she wasn't in his class, and when he looked at the roll, there she was.  This time I wasn't so nice; we had been there three months.  He said there wasn't a score next to her name, so she would have to make up all the work that hadn't been entered. 

I told him that was not going to happen, that he would grade her on what she handed in from that point on.  He said he had some girls in the class enter the scores.  His mistake.  You do not want to upset the "Momma Bear."

Amy Senior Year at Morgan High School

Amy did well at the schools in Morgan.  She was in the drama program and in many plays.  She became the Drama Sterling Scholar and won the state scholarship, which she used when she went to BYU.  She was also a Student Body Officer at Morgan High School.  

It was during one of her many competitions that she met McKay Jensen, and her life was set on an amazing course from that day to this.

Amy and McKay's engagement picture

From the day of their marriage to today they have worked as a team.  Each building on the other's strengths and each supporting the other in every endeavor.  One of those endeavors took them to the University of Illinois, Champaign, Urbana, where Amy earned her Doctorate and Mckay his Masters; both came back with honors. 

But the most important part of that experience was the babies Amy carried home with her, Lauren and Lily.  These beautiful girls were born in Utah and became the most precious of all God's Gifts to their Mom and Dad, and a blessing for us all.

What a cute family! McKay, Amy, 
Lauren and Lily

Life at the Jensen's is busy to say the least.  The girls are in High School now, McKay is on the School Board and Amy is an Associate Dean at BYU.  

They are world travelers.  they have seen Rome and Denmark and many other places, participated in many cultural events in several countries.  The best trip for us, was when they came to see us here in Vermont.  We had a great time and will always be thankful they are in our lives.

We Love you!

Note from Dad:  Five-year-old Amy and I bonded when we took a trip across the U.S. together with my folks.  Susan had just had Mary, so she couldn't go.  On that trip we experienced a tornado, four flat tires, traffic jams and little yellow car blues.  But we came back cemented together.  As we sat at the grave of David Whitmer, we realized that the Book of Mormon would always be a true witness. David Whitmer, even though he had left the Church, said, "I testify that I saw and held the plates of gold and that Joseph was a prophet."  This was written on his grave stone.